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Last year, Rebel News sent Avi Yemini and Keean Bexte to Hong Kong to share the side of the story that Beijing did not want the world to hear. We uploaded all of Avi’s and Keean’s video reports to this website. (Please scroll down to see the rest.)

We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed, but we’re also 100% viewer funded — and we rely on generous donations to produce our hard-hitting, pro-freedom journalism.

And as you can see, our coverage can reach the highest levels of society — and perhaps even the eyes and ears of President Donald J. Trump himself!

We sent Avi and Keean on a budget — two flights each, hotels, and taxi fares and meals. We’re still trying to recoup our costs from this important trip. So, if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below. We’d truly appreciate it.

Thank you for your support!


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My final thoughts on protests | Avi Yemini

Published on August 21, 2019.

Catholic priest: Moral reasons to support protest | Avi Yemini

Published on August 21, 2019.

Hong Kong riot laws “old fashioned” | Avi Yemini

Published on August 20, 2019.

Trump should “warn” China not to use violence | Avi Yemini

Published on August 20, 2019.

Emily Lau: “This is Hong Kong, not Tiananmen Square”

Published on August 18, 2019.

RAW! Hong Kong protesters block traffic — “Tense, surreal!”

Published on August 17, 2019.

Hong Kong protesters explain their “Five Demands” | Avi Yemini

Published on August 17, 2019.

“I’ve never seen anything like this” | Avi Yemini

Published on August 17, 2019.

What’s going on in Hong Kong? | Avi Yemini

Published on August 16, 2019.

November 28, 2019 Keean Bexte:

Lunchtime protests continue in Hong Kong’s central district after Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s incendiary comments.

I’ve been in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear, and they’re clearly perturbed by my accurate coverage, which you can see by scrolling down this page!

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 27, 2019 Keean Bexte:

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, I called in to talk about two incidents at our Hong Kong hotel.

One involves three men in suits attempting to enter our room as my cameraman and I edited video, while the other relates to a strange mobile phone SIM card I found on the floor.

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear, and they’re clearly perturbed by my accurate coverage, which you can see by scrolling down this page!

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 27, 2019 Keean Bexte:

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear.I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website. (Please scroll down to see the rest.)

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 26, 2019 Keean Bexte:

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, or PolyU, is the scene of a pro-democracy demonstration which started last week and may end tomorrow morning if newly elected District Councillors can convince the riot police outside the building to go easy on the last 20 students still barricaded inside.

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear.I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website. (Please scroll down to see the rest.)

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 25, 2019 Keean Bexte:

Beijing loyalist lawmaker Regina Ip taunted democracy activists, who were celebrating the overwhelming defeat of Ip’s New People’s Party, by pushing through a crowd of protesters with armed security.

In Western terms, this would be like if Trump had lost the 2016 election and pushed through a crowd of Antifa protesters with his armed security.

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear.I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website. (Please scroll down to see the rest.)

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 25, 2019 Keean Bexte:

Hong Kongers want freedom and democracy.

I know this because I’m standing in front of more than one thousand of them as they chant for their liberation from Beijing.

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear.I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website. (Please scroll down to see the rest.)

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 25, 2019 Keean Bexte:

Gathering in Hong Kong’s central district, democracy activists poured champagne to celebrate the sweeping gains made by the pro-democracy camp in yesterday’s elections.

But I spoke to one man who believes in the “One China” worldview and blames western intervention for the protests. He also shrugged off evidence that China is running prison camps for Muslims.

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear.I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website. (Please scroll down to see the rest.)

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 24, 2019 Keean Bexte:

Hong Kong residents are heading to the polls for their local district council elections today.

Just 5 hours after polls opened, more than 1.2 million people cast their ballots, dwarfing 2015’s entire voter turnout in just a few hours.

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear.I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website. (Please scroll down to see the rest.)

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 24, 2019 Keean Bexte:

Pepe the Frog, labelled a far-right figure by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has become a symbol of democracy, hope and freedom for young Hong Kongers.

I’m in Hong Kong sharing the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear, and I’ll be uploading all of my reports to this website.

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 23, 2019 Keean Bexte:

I visited a demonstration in Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong about the police’s excessive use of tear gas and its harmful effect on the city’s residents.

I’m going to be here for the next couple of days and I will share the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear, and I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website.

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.


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November 22, 2019 Keean Bexte:

I’ve just landed in Hong Kong and I’m worried it might turn into another Tiananmen Square.

Local elections are a day away and the police commissioner has announced that there will be an increased police presence at the polls to “ensure security“, which sounds ominous.

Last weekend saw the siege of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where student protestors were arrested and loaded onto trains to unknown locations. But where are they being sent to? Mainland China? There are reports that some of the students have yet to be located!

WATCH my first video from the streets of Hong Kong to learn more:

I’m going to be here for the next few days and I will share the side of the story that Beijing doesn’t want the world to hear, and I’ll be uploading all of my video reports to this website.

But I also need your help! After all, we’re 100% viewer funded. We value our independence and our track record of standing up for freedom wherever it’s needed!

I’ve come here with just a cameraman — that’s two flights, a hotel, and taxi fares and meals. So if you can help us out, please chip in by using the form below to make a donation.

Are you with the people of Hong Kong? I hope so.

Thank you for your support!


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