An activist thug assaulted a blockade remover — can you help us SUE HIM to restore law and order in Canada?

Sheila Gunn Reid (February 21, 2020):

When far-left radicals brought their nationwide railway blockades to Alberta — as part of their plan to hijack the Canadian economy in the name of Aboriginal rights — they got more than they bargained for from regular Albertans.

The protesters say they are blocking railways in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people against the Coastal GasLink pipeline that is being built in northern British Columbia. But First Nations groups along the pipeline’s route — including a huge majority of Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs — support the project. 

The blockaders are simply radical environmentalist thugs.  

Now, only eight hours into one of the protests west of Edmonton, a group of normal Albertan men had decided that they had had enough. The men turned up and peacefully and politely removed the blockade.

Job done, right? 

Not quite. Zach Solomon Lamoureux — one of Alberta’s champion blockade removers — was assaulted in plain sight. Global News caught it all on camera. But the police have refused to help or even try to identify the person who assaulted Zach. And that is just not good enough.

Here’s what we’re going to do:

Let’s identify and unmask this thug so we can sue him. We want to find out who shoved a plywood sign into Zach’s neck. So, if you have information that leads to a positive identification of this thug, we will give you $1,000 as a reward. Please send your tips to [email protected]

We also want to support those who calmly, politely and respectfully try to uphold Canadian law. So, anyone NON-VIOLENT who is arrested for removing a blockade will receive free civil liberties lawyers from us.

In this case, we’re going to step up and help Zach — because the cops were apparently too busy to do so. That’s why we’re launching a civil lawsuit, just like we did against Dion Bews. We want to show Canadians that we’ll have their back, even when the authorities don’t do their jobs!  

Lawsuits are expensive, but we think it’s vital to our democracy in Canada that we send this message — not just to the unruly ragamuffins blocking the tracks, but to the officials who refuse to do something about it. Trudeau’s minority government may have forgotten people like Zach, but we haven’t.

If you can chip in to cover the costs of this vitally important lawsuit, please use the form below to chip in a few bucks — we need all of the help we can get! Thank you.


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